Close Protection / Our Corporate Specialty
For many years now well known Personalities out of Politic, Show business, Industry, Culture and Sport trust our exceptional capabilities of our strenuously selected Close Protection staff.
Our Company has specialized itself in the following fields:
- Close Protection International
- Close Protection Female
- Close Protection setting up and maintaining a secure operating work zone
- Close Protection Risk minimization for high ranking VIP’s
- Defensive measures against Paparazzi through Technical and Tactical measures
- Planning and Execution of Security measures in areas of crisis
- Witness protection
- Prototype protection
- VIP attendance International
- Hermetically sealing off Structures and Compounds
- Chauffeurs, Limousines, Yachts, Aircraft
- Observations and Revues
- Helicopter Shuttle Services
- Limousine Services
- Security and Service Personnel for Luxury Hotels
- Special operations
High Risk Protection
Close Personal Protection in Areas of Crisis represent special challenges to Protection Staff, therefore specially trained personnel with extensive specialized training out of Police or Military carriers are further trained and specialized through our Marconi International Academy™ including Facilities over See’s in preparations for Operations in Areas of Crisis. For further questions in regards please contact us.
We offer the following Services
- Security and Risk analysis
- Close Protection in Hot Zones
- Travel management
- Compound Security
- Security Transports
- Security Equipment Logistics
- Convoy protection
- Mine awareness
- High Risk Operator training
- Security Briefings to personnel to be assigned to duty in Areas of conflict
- Aid personnel, corporate representatives, Press
Marconi Int. Dog Department Germany Ltd. & Co.KG
The implementation of specially trained dogs has becoming ever more important in facing the challenges of Compound Security and its Elements of Security Services in the Private sector as well as Industry in addition to already provided security services. Federal Institutions have long since recognized the indispensable advantages of K9 Units. Dogs are exceptionally suitable to many aspects in the Security Sector; it is not uncommon to find specially trained K9 Units on Patrol in Military Zones, or as Backup in Interventional measures as well as in the Corporate and Private Sector to watch over Compounds or Buildings including Public Transportation and Nuclear power Plants. Dog Units are well anchored in Security concepts, specifically in areas of conflict and offer an effective economical application spectrum.
The newest facts reveal that explosive detection units are also well suited to be used in entry controls in sensitive areas as well as preemptive controls in the close protection sector. The advantages are obvious for Example
- Dependable Explosive detections on Vehicles and Persons, by entry controls or checkpoints in Buildings or Compounds
- Explosive detection within buildings
- Detection of persons, as well as in restricted areas
- Personal protection
In this Sector we off the following Aspects
- Explosive detection combined with close protection
- Employment of Certified dog Handlers
- Employment of annually proven dogs
- Search dogs for missing Persons, Tracking, Explosives, Munitions and Weapons
- Training for; dog Handlers, Explosives, Tracking, missing Persons
Training of; Patrol dogs, Search dogs, special Applications, dog Handler and Trainers
Under the concept of Consulting Services Marconi International™ offers Endangered Clients and their immediate circle of relatives qualified Professional Consultation, in regards to personal safety, to include Security relevant Consultation to Corporate Enterprises. Our extensive experience, and under the employment of recognized Specialists and Experts Marconi International™ is able to work as a Community Network, which enables us to respond actively, quickly, efficiently and economically to provide suited problem solutions.
Our Consultation Services offer
- Planning- Developing and Execution of Safety measures
- Concepts for Cost reduction and Efficiency optimization
- Disaster Recovery
- Business Continuity
- Crisis Management
- Global Risk Management
- Business Intelligence
- Incident Management
- Detecting weak points in Corporate Security
- Risk Analysis
- Ascertaining and Information gathering
- Emergency Planning and Procedures
- Technical Security Consulting for new and renovated Structures
- Security Checks by ongoing Security Services
Event Service
Events underlie because of Departmental Rules and Regulations obvious Safety Regulations that must be met in order to guarantee that no preventable incidences Occur. Safety Hazards must be recognized in advance so that they can be minimized and prevented, this must be dealt with in the Conception phase, to include these factors in the planning. The art or type of Event, play only a minimal role, regardless of being a Sporting Event, Social, Political, Industrial, Cultural, Exhibition or Auctioneer Event. Regardless is also that these Events take place within Halls or if they are held Open Air. Each and all require an absolutely high qualitative Security Services. Event Staff are often over challenged or lack the Know-How. To relieve the Event Organizer in this special Sector thus guaranteeing Safety and Security Marconi International AG™ / Security & Services is able to provide and manage all Security relevant Services.
We offer the following Services
- Safety relevant Consulting during the Conception Phase
- Planning, Developing and executing all Safety Measures
- Manage, Coordinate and execute Security Services
- Personnel - Technical Securing of Event Location
- Representative Hosts M/F
- VIP Attending
- Protective Vehicles
- Event Service
- Identity and Entry Management
- Protocol Managem
As always our Staff stand in close coordination and cooperation with Public Services, Police and Fire Department’s as well as Ambulatory Services
Field Instructors
Marconi International AG™ offers its Know-How as a Premium Security Services Corporation in the form of educational Programs. Represented through experienced and Praxis oriented Field Instructors. Through renowned Educational methods, focusing on Security as well as other Branch related Security needs in the form of In-house Seminars. The Subjects and Themes of these ongoing educational measures are “State of the Art” representing the latest up to date Techniques. Proceeding exclusively on up to date Industrial and Departmental subjects and procedures, the Training and Educational Concepts underlie continual improvement and rest on current knowledge gathered in the Field. Techniques, Tactics and Educational methods, are won world wide by Departments and Special operations units performing and executing their tasks.
Marconi International Training Academy™ Switzerland
Marconi International Training Academy™ Germany
Marconi International Training Academy™
Responsible for the Quality of the Services to be delivered is not only the careful screening, continued education, advancement and training of the selected personnel, but essential to the Foundation of a Corporation such as ours, a recognized and competent Educator of various Security related topics. Through our qualification procedures our Staff is thoroughly and consequently prepared for their duties abroad. External Security Forces, internationally having passed the Assessment-Center evaluation are welcome to participate in our training and advancement programs. Recent Applicants who see their occupational future in the Private Security Sector are being granted access to our qualification procedures.
The emphases in Carrier & Training Courses are:
- Close Protection
- High Risk Operator HRO®
- Dog Handler
- Explosives dog Handler
- Missing Persons Dog Handler
- Sky-Marshal
- Security Driver
- Paramedic
- Etiquette
- Shooting Range Qualification
- Weapons
- Leadership Seminar
- Fear and Stress Management
- Explosives Training and Mine Awareness
- Special Qualification Measures
In the mentioned qualification measures it is referred to Indoor and Outdoor, or a combination thereof procedures. For further information and an overview of Marconi International Training Academy™ visit our Website
Close Protection Courses
The modern Close Protection individual is as diverse as the famous Swiss pocket knife. He is a well educated College graduate or above, emergency medically trained, a Rescue Expert, Consultant-often for all situations in life, well mannered, he is a Chauffeur, Security specialist, Multilingual, ultra flexible, Physically fit and Psychologically tolerant and has under Ideal conditions absolved specialized official training. Absolutely discrete, loyal, secretive and possessing comprehensive all around knowledge of current Events and situations abroad are all Key factors. The listing of these essential Qualifications could go on but is merely intended to provide the outsider an intimate view of the competence and professionalism of the Premium Close Protection Staff of Marconi International™. For those not meeting these criteria a position as Close Protection Staff is not possible with Marconi International™. But it is possible for candidates to be trained at the Marconi International Academy™. Candidates must however undergo a Physical and Psychological Recruitment test with Standards equivalent to those of Governmental Agencies for Special operations to pass the screening of the selection process. Close Protection staff are selected and trained to meet the individual needs and whishes of our Clients in accordance to specific concepts.
Our Training Partners
Marconi International Academy™
Blackwater Training Centers USA
IHK München-Westerham